Bogey in Golf: Overcoming the Challenge for Victory

The world of golf has its own unique lexicon, which can sometimes be challenging for newcomers to grasp. One of the most prevalent and significant terms you’ll encounter on the golf course is “bogey in golf.” If you’re new to the sport or seeking a deeper understanding of its intricacies, you’ve landed in the right spot.

In this guide, we will delve into the concept of a “bogey in golf,” its impact on your score, and its broader significance within the game.

Defining a Bogey in Golf

What is a bogey in golf? Simply put, a bogey is a scoring term used to describe a specific result on a golf hole. More precisely, it signifies that a golfer has completed a hole in one stroke over par.

Understanding Par

Before delving further into bogeys, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of “par.” Each hole on a golf course has a set number of strokes that an expert golfer is supposed to use to finish it.

The name for this number is “par.” Par numbers can be different for each hole and are often grouped by how hard the hole is. On a par-72 golf course, for example, each hole may have a different par value, like par 3, par 4, or par 5.

Scoring Terms

To better understand the significance of a bogey, let’s explore some common scoring terms in golf:

  • Birdie: A birdie occurs when a golfer completes a hole in one stroke less than par. For example, if you complete a par-4 hole in three strokes, you score a birdie.
  • Par: Par refers to completing a hole in the exact number of strokes designated for that hole. If a player completes a par-3 hole in three strokes, they can conclude that they have achieved par.
  • Bogey: As mentioned earlier, a bogey signifies that a golfer has taken one stroke more than par to complete a hole. If a player completes a par-4 hole in five strokes, we will deem them to have made a bogey.
  • Double Bogey: A double bogey occurs when a golfer takes two strokes over par to complete a hole. For instance, if you play a par-3 hole in five strokes, you score a double bogey.
  • Triple Bogey: A triple bogey signifies three strokes over par on a hole. Completing a par-4 hole in seven strokes would be a triple bogey.
  • Quadruple Bogey: A golfer takes four strokes over par on a hole when they use this term. For example, if you complete a par-5 hole in nine strokes, you score a quadruple bogey.

what is a bogey in golf

Significance of a Bogey

Bogeys play a crucial role in golf as they form the foundation of scoring for most recreational golfers. In fact, the majority of golfers fall into the category of “bogey golfers,” which means they score around bogey on most holes.

For Golfers Who Play for Fun

A bogey is a usual and good score for the average golfer to get on most holes. It means that the golfer is good enough to finish the hole in an acceptable number of strokes, but not quite good enough to get par or better.

In the Handicap System

In golf, the handicap method takes into account how close a player is to par on different courses. A golfer’s handicap is based on how well they play compared to how hard the game is. Many golfers think it’s important to try to get a handicap that lets them score at or around bogey.

Benchmark for Improvement

Bogeys serve as a benchmark for golfers looking to improve their game. As a golfer progresses, the goal often shifts from scoring bogeys to achieving par or better. A golfer who scores below bogey is considered to be making significant strides in their game.

For Scratch Golfers

Scratch golfers are pros who always get scores at or below par. This is in contrast to hobby golfers, who just play for fun. For these top golfers, making a mistake on a hole is not a big deal. Instead, they focus on making birdies and eagles.


In golf, a bogey means that a hole was finished with one stroke more than par. It’s a normal and good result for most golfers who play for fun, and it’s the base for how the game is scored. Knowing what a bogey means is important if you want to measure your progress as a player and set realistic goals for improvement.

Whether you’re aiming to break par or score around bogey, the game of golf offers endless opportunities for growth and enjoyment. Embrace the challenge, continue to refine your skills, and savor every moment on the golf course.

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